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Content checks that should be the same on both the mobile and desktop versions of your site include:

Note: At this point, if you've verified that your important content is indeed indexed by Google, you may not need to spend a huge amount of time digging into the indexation issues below.

In the old days, Google recommended voto negativo more than 100 links on a page. Those days are long gone, and today Google can process many multiples of that without challenge.

Here we begin the juicy good part of the audit to answer two very basic yet important questions: are search engines crawling your site and indexing your important content?

If you have any doubt at all that your site may trigger Google's SafeSearch, it's best to do a manual check:

Appunto, i tre tag: tag title, tag meta description e quello slug (cosa sarebbe dell’url successivamente il dominio) hanno un’influenza elevatissima Attraverso Google, privo di dimenticarsi il quale è l’utente a dover esistere catturato Attraverso portarlo al clic:

By far one of the biggest mistakes websites make with language and geolocation targeting is automatic redirection. It's common for websites to detect a user's location corso their IP or other information, and then attempt to automatically redirect them to the "correct" page for simplicity's sake.

While defining image heights and widths isn't a direct Google ranking factor, the lack of image dimensions can cause usability issues as a browser tries to load the page. This leads to Cumulative Layout Shift which can impact your Cuore Web Vitals score, which Sopra turn can harm your rankings.

To audit the outgoing links on a single page, you can use the MozBar to highlight all internal and external links and make sure your anchor text is descriptive.

L’algoritmo che Google si basa Per mezzo di gran fetta sui link11 ed è per questo ragguardevole che un sito web abbia un figura di backlink che qualità.

While Search Console catches a lot of hacked content, it doesn't catch everything. If you suspect your site has been injected with spam or another type of attack, you may want to use a third-party security tool to run a quick check for major issues.

You can utilize the Page Optimization feature Con Moz Pro (included as part of your 30 day free trial) to discover opportunities to optimize your pages for specific keywords, as well as see related keyword and topic suggestions. Simply navigate to the Page Optimization tab and enter the URL/keyword combo you want to rank for.

Speed has played a role Per mezzo di search engine ranking factors for many years, and now with Google's Core Web Vitals update, it's top of mind for many SEOs. At this point, you might expect to find a 28-point web speed checklist, but that's simply not the case. Speed is not a website one-size-fits-all technical SEO challenge.

While it's not uncommon to find your content duplicated across the web, it's typically not a problem, unless those sites outrank you.

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